Preview: If you’re looking for pPROM at 21 weeks success stories, I hope mine gives you hope. My youngest child was born at 27 weeks, and is thriving. This post is part of a series where I share my pPROM story. My 7th child, Josiah, was born prematurely due to this condition of pregnancy. I […]
Pregnancy Update Week 21: Hospital Version
Well. This isn’t exactly how I envisioned writing this pregnancy update: from my phone, inside a hospital. But then again this entire pregnancy has been one surprise after another. I drove myself here Monday at 3 A.M. after waking up soaked with amniotic fluid. So far baby is holding on. There is no real way […]
Pregnancy Update: 19 Weeks
Yesterday was a visit to the OB/GYN for yet another ultrasound. I was hoping for really, really good news. Which for me would be the word that I don’t have to SEE the OB/GYN again and could resume prenatal care with my midwives. (No offense Mr. Doc, but I know you understand.) The ultrasound revealed […]
Talking About Miscarriage
I found a post yesterday that I felt needed sharing, via DesignMom’s blog. It’s here: The Things You Wish Someone Had Told You About Miscarriage. (For the more sensitive among you, there is a swear word in the post, which feels not out of place for me, considering the nature of the topic – but […]
Two Years Ago
Two years ago, this happened. Now, she enjoys painting au plein air. And insists on swinging in the big swing, all the while managing not to drop her purse. Excuse me, where does the time go?
17 Weeks
17 weeks, 2 days. I’m feeling a bit better. Instead of being unrelenting, the nausea is now mostly striking me at specific times of day, usually evenings. I’ll take it! My energy level is better too. I’m getting up early in the mornings again, which feels great, and also explains the phenomenon of blog posts […]
13 Weeks: Hangry
Pregnancy updates are pretty boring unless you’re a) related to the pregnant lady or b) pregnant yourself. But, considering that the sum total of the two groups do represent a small portion of my readership, I’ll post an occasional belly shot and update. But I promise, there will be no skin showing nor any sports […]
Having a Name for it Helps
Tuesday the bleeding and cramps started upĀ again. I high-tailed it to the doctor for another “I’m afraid to look” ultrasound. Which again revealed a 12 week old fetus with a heartbeat, waving arms and legs and tiny ear buds. This time, however, we had a better picture of what was going on. The doctor could […]
Little Charlie, Part Two
I’m terribly sorry for leaving you hanging there. I think as a distraction technique I’ll post a pic of some really cute babies now. Ain’t they sweet?! Victoria (right) is finally at that age where she can be a real playmate to her big sister Ruby, who turned 4-years-old yesterday. And it’s a beautiful thing […]
Hang On, Little Charlie
So yes, I did make a teensy announcement in my last post. Some of you left comments or emailed to say congratulations. (Thanks!) I didn’t mean to stop writing for several days. In fact, I’ve written many posts in my head. I wonder if Google can send me search traffic for mind-written blog posts? (Considering […]