Hi! I’m Carrie. I reside in the NW Atlanta suburbs, and my life for 25 years has revolved around being a mom to seven kiddos. Six are still at home, and life is good.

I started blogging way back in 2003. For several years I hosted a parenting podcast called NaturalMomsTalkRadio.
Since I started writing words on the internet, I’ve gone through divorce, spent a few years as a single, work-at-home-mom, paid off debt and built my online business, remarried and blended a stepfamily, chronicled paying off my husband’s debt, left a cult I was born into, bought a house and became a landlady, homeschooled for nearly 20 years, and I’m now living again as a divorced mom.
I mostly stopped writing about parenting until my high-risk pregnancy to a 27 weeker preemie. After his birth, I struggled with depression, anxiety and PTSD, complicated by religious trauma syndrome.

I enjoy reading, writing, going for walks, and spending time outdoors.
Contact me at: clauth at gmail dot com (removing spaces)
Thanks for visiting and don’t be a stranger. I LOVE hearing from you so please leave comments and reply to my emails. It makes my day!
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Popular posts:
- Diet Cult(ure): Why I Stopped Doing Trim Healthy Mama
- What the Happiest Moms Do Before Breakfast
- Work at Home Moms Aren’t Making the Feminine Mistake
- How to Eat like a French Woman
- How I Stop Anxiety Attacks with Mindfulness
- Beans for Pregnancy Nausea
My books on Amazon
Media Mentions/Elsewhere
Medium.com – my articles about leaving a cult
Podcast interview: From Doom to Bloom, “I Am Unchained” – a discussion about intergenerational trauma and religious trauma syndrome
Video interview with Aoife of the MindBody, “The Truth About Breaking Free from a Cult“.
October 2016 – His & Her Money show interview: How Carrie and Her Family Worked Their Way to Debt Freedom
August 2016 – Acorns blog: One Thing That Helped Me Pay Off Debt Faster
Laura Vanderkam – How Keeping A Time Diary Changed My Life (And My Attitude).
MoneySavingMom – 6 Ways To Save Time and Get More Done Online | We Paid Cash for Our SUV | How to Earn Cash Doing Focus Groups and Market Research | How (And Why) To Do Budget Meetings
SingleMomsIncome – How a Single Mom of Four Gets Out of Debt
HillbillyHousewife – How I Spent $2.50 and Ditched My Starbucks Habit
Hey I love reading your blog and I am recently subscribed to your blog by email. I have started my happiness project in this month too but have met some difficulties. It is really happy to see somebody doing the same thing and share similar thoughts. Please follow me on my blog too:
I would like to subscribe through your RSS feed but can’t find that link…could you point me in the right direction.
Oh my, I am so happy I stumbled upon your site this morning via Simple Homeschool. I’m a bibiliophile and blog for my sanity, too. 🙂 I’m also taking a MOOC on the science of happiness at the moment.
Hi Carrie.
I came across your blog when searching for “whooping Cough” information. I have 2 questions for you in regards to that.
First, what was the CDC’s response to that when the hospital reported her case? How did they follow up? Anything good to know regarding that? And secondly, my daughter is 4 years old and weighs 33 pounds. Any recomendations on how much Vit C (sodium ascorbate) to give her? I gave her some and 2 hours later she had diarrhea. Do you only give them one serving per 24 hours and make them sip throughout the day? We gave our daughter all of it at once which may have been the problem. We have also been using another recommendation from Humphries, lypo Spheric Vit C at night (one packet). Did you use that? So far we have seen no imporvement with her coughs at night despite the vit c. She acts completely normal during the day and then is up every hour at night. How many days did the consistent nightly cough attacks last for you? We are on night 16. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? I really appreciate all of your information. We are trusting in the good Lord’s healing and seeking counsel from those that have walked the road before us. Thank you. Carol
I love your blog… just ran across it today when I was searching for French eating. I also am a homeschool mom, with 13 kids (9 at home,) in a blended family. Can’t wait to read all about how you live you life and gather tips for myself 🙂 Have a great day! Kate
I clicked on you recipe for White Bean and Cabbage Stew but it didn’t appear or re-direct me. Can you help? Thanks.
I emailed you a link Rosemary. 🙂
Thanks Kate, great to hear from you!
Hi Carol, I emailed you.
Cool thanks so much for commenting Cait!
Hi Lilia, the feed is:
Carrie, I have to say that this “About” page is SO much more positive than the one you had when I first found you in, what, 2006? 2007? Sometimes, time is good to us. 😉
Good to hear Emily 🙂
Thank you Carrie, your post on toilet training and having no nappies has been successful for my twin boys! I heard about you from The Cohesive Home podcast and I am so grateful! Thank you a million times.
I too do not see a way to sign up with you. Please direct. Thank you!!