I’m not sure that I would recommend this particular method, it’s just how I did it recently.
Step One – discover that one of your neighbors, a mom (and you always like to spend your money with moms) is a photographer.
Step Two – think, “I really need to have my profile picture updated. The one I’ve been using is 6 years old, and I don’t look like that anymore. I don’t want to be one of those people who looks like a teenager in their online profile pics but then when you meet her at a blogging conference she’s really an old hag.”
Step Three – Tell your neighbor once when she drives by your front yard and waves, “Hey Aubry I really want you to take my picture. Do you have a card?” Get card.
Step Four – Stuff business card in pocket and promptly lose it. Allow months to pass. Forget neighbor’s last name so that you can’t possibly even Google her.
Step Five – Walk by neighbor’s house every day for several months thinking, “I really need to knock on her door and ask about getting my picture taken.”
Step Six – Realize that your mom is spending a couple of days at the house and it would be the perfect time for you to run down to your neighbor’s house and get your picture snapped. Remember neighbor’s name and find her website. Send her a message asking if you could come over sometime in the next two days to get your picture taken.
Step Seven – Get a reply from neighbor photog lady saying, “Can you come over tonight?”
Step Eight – Almost miss message because you didn’t check email all day. Discover message and freak out, but realize it’s now or never. Send reply in the affirmative.
Step Nine – Feeling sick, bloated and nauseous since you’re 7 weeks pregnant and getting your picture taken is the absolute last thing on your mind, attempt to sabotage. Send a text inquiring about fees, hoping they’ll be too high so you can cancel.
Step Ten – Find out fees are really reasonable and you’d be ridiculous to cancel. Also, reason that it’s better to take pics NOW while you’re still relatively thin than to do it later with either pregnancy/postpartum weight gain and puffy face. Throw on a little makeup, try to make your unwashed hair look presentable, and walk to neighbor’s house.
Credit: Aubry Canales Photography
Congrats on the pregnancy! And the picture’s gorgeous!
Miss Lila
Congrats! So exciting. I wondered when I saw your pinterest pins ;-). Hope all is going well, hugs from us.
Wow wee!!! You look amazing! And congratulations!!!! I hope you don’t get as sick as usual.
Wow! Carrie your pregnant again! Congratulations! Love the article, too funny! Great Picture!!
Beautiful picture and EXCITING news! Congratulations!
Thanks and thanks 🙂
I am feeling a bit better than I usually do. ..Although after the scare I had the nausea is a comfort