My No Spend Summer Challenge is officially over. We’re well over half way to our savings goal. For a number of reasons, we’ve decided to stay put for another six months. So in about half that time, we’ll begin looking for a house in earnest. This is a temporary goal that requires some sacrifice, however, I’m […]
5 frugal things
1 – Today I went to the local kid’s consignment shop to get Josiah a few shirts. I had a pieces to sell to them as well. We arrived before the store opened and stood outside waiting. Another mom was also waiting and she had several large containers full of girl’s clothing. I asked her […]
Work at Home Moms Aren’t Making The Feminine Mistake
Being a stay-at-home mom brings economic risk, and women need to be aware of that fact. Work at home moms aren’t making the feminine mistake of economic dependency. This post is long, but worth it. Your comments are most welcome! When I first heard about The Feminine Mistake and read a review of it, I […]
Frugal Lady: a day in the life
[An update in the No Spend Summer Challenge series, in which I document black-belt frugal tactics I employ to save for a down payment on a home. To assist the unaccustomed, an asterisk * appears next to frugal activities.] Today, two fellow frugal lady bloggers and I decided to write about what a typical day in […]
5 Frugal Things
The last couple of times I placed an Amazon order, I took advantage of the free “no-rush” shipping so I could have a free credit for digital stuff. One of the things I ordered? More Bonne Maman jelly. My family loves it. It isn’t cheaper than jelly from ALDI, but… the jars and lids are […]
Down with evil laundry detergent measuring cup!
A post in the No Spend Summer Challenge series… I think the scalawags who make laundry detergent (and therefore, detergent measuring cups) intentionally make it difficult to figure out how much of the stuff to use. Can anyone relate? The instructions on the bottle state that for a normal-sized load, you should fill the cup […]
July budget meeting and savings update
A No Spend Challenge update; my family is saving for a down payment on a home (closing in February!). Hubby and I had our budget meeting yesterday, as we always do at the end of each month. A couple of things I’ve learned about budgets along the way: A budget is a living, breathing thing. […]
5 Frugal Things
1) I needed a few household items so I placed a Grove order: bulk Castile soap (for hands and all-purpose cleaning) and bulk dish soap. I had a $30 credit so my stuff was only $2 plus they included a free girly organic soap. I love this company. 2) I reviewed a book I read […]
Disclosure: I went to IKEA
A No Spend Challenge update. This summer we’re saving for a down payment on a home, and I’m documenting my black-belt frugality moves. IKEA antics from a previous trip. We didn’t buy any flat packed furniture this time. I’ve been staying out of stores as much as possible unless there was some incredible deal I […]
Think inside the box (truck)
I love reading stories like this. They restore my faith in humankind, for one. In a world filled with people who would rather whine about their situation or demand the government fix their problems, here’s a guy who decided to take personal responsibility (radical!) and live in a box truck to save money. Because of […]