A lot of spring cleaning and decluttering is going on around here lately. One of the toughest things for me to get rid of has always been books.
When I read Marie Kondo’s books, I became convinced that I needed to ruthlessly cull my bookshelves.
Because they were frankly getting on my nerves!
I had books that were sitting on my shelves that I wanted to read “someday”… that I had packed up and moved two or three times and after years were still unread.
I had books that I bought for my kids because I thought it would be “neat” if they would read them (either because they were favorites of mine or books I would have enjoyed reading as a kid), but they choose their own reading material, and so they sat unread.
To be honest, I kept some books that I did read and had no intention of re-reading because they might make people think I’m smart (cringe) if they saw them on my bookshelves. If we’re honest, I bet many of us do this.
A ton of books were tossed into la poubelle because they were ripped up.
I got rid of books because, while I enjoyed them the first time, I knew I would never read them again.
Everything else is easy for me to toss: clothing, kitchen stuff I don’t need, etc. Books are hard.
But I’m getting better at only turning over precious real estate in my home to books I truly love and will read again.
Lila Huggins says
Signed up! Hope I did it right! Will you get credit?
Miss Lila
Jennifer says
Trying Grove and ordered some Molly’s Suds! 🙂 I decluttered some books a couple months ago. They are now sitting in the trunk of my van waiting to go to the library. And I’m missing a book that SURELY I didn’t get rid of unless I was in temporary insanity. Did I mention I’m awful at decluttering? 😉