Friday, the nurses told me I could be discharged the next day. Panic immediately set in. I didn’t want to go home. I was in pain, walking down the hall to see my baby in the NICU completely exhausted me, and I wanted to stay in the same building as my baby. But by the […]
Dear Josiah
I’m sorry I broke down earlier when I visited you. I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much. I tried to hold it in and save the ugly tears for when I got back to my room. I try to be so strong when I’m with you. I try to be calm and reassuring for […]
Josiah Levi
Monday, October 20, 4:07 PM I only know the time because after I emerged from the bathroom, I looked at the clock. I wanted to be able to tell my nurses and Doctor when the bleeding began. I texted my husband and said, “Babe, we’re going to be having a baby in the next 48 […]
27 Weeks – 6 Weeks After pPROM
I apologize for the cheesy bathroom selfie with the faucet growing out of my hips. It’s the best I can do. This marks my first week of hospital bedrest. And my 6th week of being pregnant after preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM). This is pretty remarkable, as 75% of women go into labor within […]
26 Weeks: Gestational Incarceration
Yesterday I turned myself in. Gestational incarceration, known also as Hospital Bed Rest, has begun. So far I am unimpressed with this place. (I’m in a different hospital this time than the one I stayed in after my water broke. This is also the hospital I’ll deliver at.) Firstly, it took them an entire HOUR […]
25 Weeks
Monday marked my 25th week of pregnancy and the 4th week since my water ruptured. I began to feel hopeful and even a little daring. I may be cheating on my bedrest a little. Promise you won’t tell? I started having some Braxton-Hicks contractions which is normal for me at this stage. And I’ve begun […]
24 Weeks, First Steroid Shot
Today marks 24 weeks, that important threshold every woman with preterm premature rupture of membranes hopes to cross. It’s been three weeks since my water ruptured at 21 weeks. I got my first steroid shot (of two, next one is tomorrow) that will help baby’s lungs mature so that, if I deliver him early (quite […]
What I Know, What I Don’t Know: 2 Weeks Post-pPROM
Sometimes, when it gets to be too much, I have to stop doing research. My head aches from reading from a screen too long, and I’ve learned far more about pPROM, premature babies and the NICU experience than I ever thought I would know. I now know what nasal cannulas, nitric oxide, CPAP, high frequency […]
Day 11
Today was not an easy one. I had an appointment with my OB/GYN, a one week follow-up visit after my hospital stay. I was excited for him to give me some good news, hoping that perhaps my amniotic fluid was maintaining. When I was admitted to hospital, my levels were 30-50% of ideal. I have […]
One Week Post-pPROM: 22 Week Pregnancy Update
Today is a milestone, since I’ve now managed to stay pregnant one week after pPROM (preterm premature rupture of membranes). I’m feeling hopeful. It seems that among women who can make it this long, staying pregnant several weeks is possible. At this time I have no signs of preterm labor. I’m so thankful for that! […]