[Note: This post is part of a 31 day focus on read-aloud. To see the entire list, go here: 31 Days of Read-Aloud.]
We’re fortunate enough to have a library that’s a mile away from our house. I’m embarrassed to admit that we’ve only walked there twice in the nearly 4 years we’ve lived in this house.
The major reason for that being that it’s a little frightening. I did a little Google searching and found that the county we live in is famous locally for being dangerous for pedestrians. There have been 3 pedestrian deaths ON THIS ROAD this year. Texting and cell-phone talking drivers frighten me.
One of our family’s goals is to move to an area that has more actual walking destinations. Not necessarily intown as in inside Atlanta town, just more intown as in… in town. (Does that make sense?) Just walking for the sake of it is a little boring, but if you have somewhere you can safely walk TO? Totally different.
Scary statistics aside, now we have a fresh crop of new books to read!
We spent most of the day at our place of worship, so I didn’t do much reading. But I did read aloud:
Edwardo: The Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World – A nice lesson (for adults) about kids who live up (or down) to expectations.
Genesis chapters 1-5 – I read this to Victoria before we both fell asleep. (I’m not currently in Genesis in my personal Bible reading, but I decided to start over because I got a shiny new Bible yesterday, and it seemed fitting!)
Read any good books this weekend?
I got a shiny new bible this weekend too! Is yours gray? 🙂
Why yes it is!
I’m always on the lookout for great read-alouds. This book looks cute – we could use some adjustment in our expectations around here. Ahem.
My oldest son was thrilled when he received the privilege of being allowed to ride his bike to the library. It’s a great place to be, isn’t it?